Dinner at The Willows Inn Restaurant

Dinner at The Willows Inn Restaurant

at Willows Inn on 16 December 2018
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The #1 restaurant in the US for three years straight, according to the OAD list. This is my second visit here, the first time back in about five years. I feel so lucky to have this place in my backyard. All ingredients are sourced in/on/or around an isolated island to the NW of Seattle. Also, the chef worked at Noma... and that nordic influence shows.
This visit was the last dinner service of the season, and thus, the diners received extras at the end of the meal.

A view of the outside of the building.

A view from the waiting area outside of the dining room. And yes, that IS a beach across the road.

Toasted kale chips.

Orchard cudrite - a selection of pears and apples that were grown on the island. The one at the top left is a dehydrated pear slice and it was dynamite!

A trio of bivalves - salish sea oysters; blue clams; pink scallops. As fresh and tasty as shellfish could possibly be.

Chilled turnips with their greens.

Cured rockfish with poblano.

Sea urchin with sunflower root.

Smoked mussels. So plump and sweet.

Savory donut. Inside is smoked black cod.

Seared razor clams.

Smoked sockeye salmon, glazed with butter and maple. Their signature dish... this potion was three times bigger than how I remembered it.

Stewed yellowfoot mushrooms.

Dungeness crab with bread from heirloom wheat. Hands down, my favorite dish of the night. I’d been looking forward to the typical congealed chicken drippings that is served with the bread course, but it was traded out for this crab extravaganza. The squiggly bits are actually not tomalley... it’s a crab custard which is cooked with a broth from crab shells; and the crab portion itself is loaded with a ton of crab meat. Pure crab decadence!

Rutabaga and caramelized squid. The rutabaga is slow-roasted and covered with herbs.

Braised puntarelle and pork. Puntarelle is a bitter green that is related to chicory.

Pre-dessert. Toasted birch branches served as a tea. Persimmon, rosehip, and medlar jams.

Fresh and preserved quince. In granita and jam form.

Different types of nuts - shaved walnuts and hazelnuts, with ice cream and various mousses.

A goodie bag which held some treats to take home.

The last mignardise - their signature flax caramels, a breakfast treat for tomorrow of bread with peach jam. As an added treat for being part of the final dinner service of the season, we also got copies of a gardening book written by one of their purveyors. So classy! .

A copy of the menu.