Dinner at Intense

Dinner at Intense

with Neil Walker at Intense on 21 October 2017
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This young restaurant just got awarded one star in the 2018 German Guide Michelin, and rightly so. The Chef Bejamin Peifer is young but not unknown as he cooked before at a restaurant not so far away from this place, his first own restaurant.
The cuisine is dominated by local flavours and products, but not dogmatically local.
The ambition is great as he serves an almost 20 course menu for about 30 people with a staff of 2 including himself in the kitchen. As admirably this is in principle, it might show sometimes in the execution. He would be well advised to staff up to iron out the occasional flaw.
Nevertheless it is heart warming that there are more and more great places in Germany driven by young Chefs with new ideas.