Dinner at Joro Restaurant

Dinner at Joro Restaurant

with Neil Walker at Jöro on 3 October 2018
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Another surprise on our tour through the England, this time in Sheffield. This time it is a dinner in a container, literally. Luke French, the Chef, choose to put up a restaurant in a cube built out of container. And they did a great job in converting this space into a restaurant.
His cuisine is very nordic, heavy on the vegetables (out of 14 servings two meat courses and one fish). However, the combinations of flavours are very unique and every dish is perfectly executed. This guys has an excellent palate, wich gives him the ability to calibrate the dishes to perfection and even more so, his techniques enables to pull them all off. For example, the tartare of beetroots and pumpkin seeds, simple yet complex. Enough acidity to have the beetroot come through superbly.
Great place, I am looking forward what this young Chef will come up with in the future.

Modern British
8 / 10