I throw back to an earlier time. A place only based on beef, 50+ years old, which refuses any foreigners. Only the fact that my host is a guest there for 20+ years allowed me to go there.
The first 4 plates are served for everyone. All raw parts of beef. The you start ordering from the menu which is probably as old as the place itself.
The food is not high end and certainly not sophisticated, but it is honest and very tasty. They advise you how much fresh onion to use and how to debone the beef tail you ordered.
A fantastic place. I was honored to go there.
Ps: Unless you know my friend or somebody like him it will be impossible to go there to see the “Old Kyoto”. The owner is so powerful, all of the geishas need to come and pay their tribute.
Of course, I didn't even ask if I was allowed to take pictures and nobody else did.