Lunch at 梵蔵 Bonzo-Kamakura soba restaurant

Lunch at 梵蔵 Bonzo-Kamakura soba restaurant

at 梵蔵 Bonzo-Kamakura soba restaurant on 14 December 2018
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Ippei Hayashimoto is an unusual Chef, long hair and tattoos which are not looked well upon in Japan as they are associated with organised crime.
However, he is a soba noodle master producing his te-uchi (handmade buckwheat noodles) in his tiny place in Kamakura. He says that it took him some time to master the 100% buckwheat noodles when he transitioned from ni-hachi style (20% of wheat flower) to the current form.
Kamakura is a short trip from Tokyo and a lovely seaside town with very important Temples and Shrines to visit before or after the pleasant soba meal.

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