Counter seating in a HongKong high-rise in the top floors. Come early and don't miss the cocktail lounge, some very good drinks are prepared there.
Chef Vicky Cheng is classical French trained, he knows how to cook this way and also how to use some of the must-have ingredients in this type of cuisine.
What sets him apart is the combination with very Chinese ingredients and cooking techniques. He told me that he is moving further and further away from his training when composing the dishes as he wants to pay respect to the place where he cooks and his upbringing.
The result produces some interesting dishes, sea cucumber with hairy crab and fish maw with caviar. A Western palate might not be calibrated to really enjoy a fish bladder, but when it is, this dish is great.
I wonder where the journey will go, I am sure I will be part of it, when I go back.