Meal at Ametsa With Arzak Instruction

Meal at Ametsa With Arzak Instruction

at Ametsa With Arzak Instruction on 15 February 2014
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I had the pleasure of eating in Juan Mari’s mothership restaurant in San Sebastian (Arzak) and was very pleased to see the same stylish innovation in all his dishes here but for a more reasonable price and more doable waiting list. The hotel is as one would expect just off Hyde Park Corner however I found the bar not in the same league as say, The Connaught’s Coburg – never the less it was perfectly pleasant. I left glad to have done this restaurant but no desperation to head back immediately – whenever I do it will be a pleasure to do so but sits in the lower part of priorities. If you are passing at lunch, they have a very good set menu, worthy of any occasion.

Food Grade: 69%

7 / 10

Amuse Bouche

Truffle Potato

Pig Trotter & Beef

Chocolate Dessert