Meal at Harry’s Place

Meal at Harry’s Place

at Gonerby Social Club on 25 November 2016
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Uniquely set in a house with no more than 3 tables and hand-written menus this was a charming venue to try in the finest of company. The owners have been running their dining room for the past twenty eight and a half years (as at Nov 16) with husband Harry in the kitchen and wife Caroline in front of house, both naturally suited in their elements. Unique and pleasant but it did seem very expensive for what was had at the same time.

Homely and charming as it was, the summary for me is that the menu choices (2 choices per course) were hearty and well done but I simply could not see how the salmon starter merited the £22 price tag and the mains at £39 each for the product did appear quite steep. The bottom line is that the food here was certainly good quality with lovely vodka crème fraiche with the salmon and equally good mustard mayonnaise that was light over the large fillet of beef but I could not see how it merited the price. Even with the addition of caviar and the size of the fillet, you would not normally see these prices in an average Michelin starred restaurant so I found this surprising. Steak was served rare-raw in the centre without a preference being asked so if you find yourself with a steak option and you wish to go for it, I would recommend a quick chat about your individual preference. Thankfully, I have actually moved from medium to medium rare and now to rare as my preference over the years anyway so it was different but very enjoyable for me.

Homely and charming as it was, the summary for me is that the menu choices (2 choices per course) were hearty and well done but I simply could not see how the salmon starter merited the £22 price tag and the mains at £39 each for the product did appear quite steep. The bottom line is that the food here was certainly good quality with lovely vodka crème fraiche with the salmon and equally good mustard mayonnaise that was light over the large fillet of beef but I could not see how it merited the price. Even with the addition of caviar and the size of the fillet, you would not normally see these prices in an average Michelin starred restaurant so I found this surprising. Steak was served rare-raw in the centre without a preference being asked so if you find yourself with a steak option and you wish to go for it, I would recommend a quick chat about your individual preference. Thankfully, I have actually moved from medium to medium rare and now to rare as my preference over the years anyway so it was different but very enjoyable for me.

Price aside, the taste buds were pleased to have come by. The main fortes of this visit was the fact it was so original, the wonderful hospitality of the owner(s) and the fact you are getting no nonsense, homely cooking in plentiful portion sizes. Definitely pleased to have visited.

6 / 10



Amuse bouche

Menu (1)

Menu (2)

Menu (3)

Salmon starter


Steak main (1)

Steak main (2)

Steak main (3)