Dinner at Stadt Van Luijck

Dinner at Stadt Van Luijck

at De Stadt van Luijck on 29 December 2023
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Top 10 of 2023, at number 3

Tagliolini and Caviar by chef Paolo Pollice of restaurant Stadt Van Luyck where we enjoyed an impressive meal! On of the best of 2023!

The story behind the tagliolini & caviar:

The chef realised that his environment is Belgian and his roots are (South) Italian.

Heb is equally proud of both of them and tries to blend in both worlds in his creations.

In Belgium it seemed like a pasta couldn't be gastronomic, but in Italy highend restaurants make them every day. He makes his version with Tagliolini & caviar.

Tagliolini are cooked in a broth of mussels, cockles and anchovy collatura giving it a sublime and refined taste! The dish is then finished with sour cream, lime, chives, fish eggs and caviar bring some extra pop and freshness to the dish.

Simplicity in a very luxurious way! We loved every bite of it…

📷 @jurgen_lijcops_photography

. G&M : 15,5
.⁣ Michelin : -
.⁣ OAD top 100 : -
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